Embassy Protectors January Tour

The four Embassy Protectors facing federal charges will be on tour in January to speak about the action, the charges they are facing and what is happening in Venezuela. They have a pretrial hearing on January 29 and their trial begins on February 11 in Washington, DC at the Federal Courthouse at 333 Constitution Ave., NW. Supporters are encouraged to attend.

These events are free and open to the public. Donations to support their legal defense will be requested. Please download and share this flyer to spread the word: Document

January 18 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
7:30 pm at the Fort Lauderdale Unitarian Church 3970 NW 21st Ave.
For more information, contact handsoffvenezuela305@yahoo.com.

January 24 - New York, NY
7:00 pm at the People’s Forum 320 West 37th St.

January 25 - Highland Park, NJ
7:00 pm at the Reformed Church 19-21 South 2nd Ave.

January 26 - Princeton, NJ

January 27 - New Haven, CT
5:30 pm at the NH Free Public Library, 133 Elm St.

January 28 - Philadelphia, PA
6:30 pm at 801 South 48th St.

February 1 - Northampton, MA
6:30 pm at the Friends Meeting House, 43 Center St. Northampton, MA

February 7 - Washington, DC
Private fundraiser, contact info@popularresistance.org if you are interested in attending.

February 10 - Washington, DC
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Institute for Policy Studies, 1301 Connecticut Ave., NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 200036

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